The Latest Way to Submit URL in Google Search Console

How to add Table of Contents (TOC) SEO Friendly on Blogger (1)

Since Search Console uses the new look, there is one feature that is missing from the menu list. He submits URL or better known as fetch as Google. Its function is to ask search engines to immediately index the URL so that the article can immediately appear on the Google search page.

I always do a fetch every time I finish publishing an article. Indeed, even without fetch over time the article will be indexed by itself. But if it can be accelerated, why not?

Investigate has investigated this feature is not missing. It’s just that it’s renamed to Inspect URL (URL inspection). So if you want to search until you get dizzy, the fetch as Google menu doesn’t exist anymore.

Okay, then how do I inspect the URL?

How to Submit URL (Inspection) in Google Search Console

First, make sure you’ve registered your blog with Search Console.

Second, submit a blog sitemap to tell search engines where our sitemap URL is. This one is not mandatory but highly recommended.

Then we can start the URL inspection. Go to the start page of Search Console and enter the URL of the article in the column above like this image, then press Enter on the keyboard.


Wait a while until Google finishes fetching data. Then the words “URL is not on Google” will appear, meaning that the URL has not been indexed by search engines. To request indexing, click REQUEST INDEXING.


If the request is successful it will look like this. Just click GOT IT


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If later the blog has been indexed, when you inspect the URL again a text will appear URL is available to Google along with a green checkmark.


Are you no longer confused about where to find the menu for submitting URLs in this new version of Google Search Console? Please remember, how often do fetch will not change the priority or queue position of our blog on Google pages. Just do it once. If you want to be on the first page of search results, then on-page and off-page SEO must be maximized. Not the frequency of fetch as Google.

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